Hi – this is Julie Cadman.
From the time I was just a little girl I loved to read and I loved to create and write stories. I was happiest when I had my nose stuck in a book, dreaming of far-away places or when I was creating exciting, intricate plots and mysteries.
Like many people, I went to college, got married, and then life and kids and a whole lot of “stuff” got in the way of my dream of becoming a writer. When the Pandemic happened and I was locked down at home with my family of five I decided “enough”. I finally decided to stop waiting for the “perfect” time and I wrote in the creases of my day – often between eleven o’clock at night and two in the morning.
I wrote when my family – my husband, my three teens and my dog were fast asleep. The humans up in their beds, while our Goldendoodle, Kerby, would curl up at my feet waiting for his mama to go to sleep.
My first novel – UnMasked – takes an inter-generational look into the lives of three women. The granddaughter Kylie, age sixteen, caught between adolescence and feeling like she is much older than her chronological age and NO ONE understands how hard it is to be stuck at home with her family. Kylie’s mom Jen, forty-eight, is the mom stuck in the middle between two generations. Jen is sandwiched between her family responsibilities and her parents. Granda Patti, (Jen’s mom) is seventy-three, the matriarch of the family. Patti is aging and starting to need assistance.
We have a front row seat as the three women navigate their relationships through the backdrop of the Pandemic from January 2020 to March 2021.
I’ve loved getting to know these ladies and I’m looking forward to introducing them to you – these remarkable, irritating and perfectly flawed women. They insisted that their story and their perspectives be told.
To learn more about these fascinating characters and receive exclusive news, discounts, and giveaways – please join my mailing list at the link to the right:
My newsletter will include questions and answers about how I’m getting from point A to Point UnMasked as the publication date nears, excerpts from the book, pictures of people and places that inspired scenes in the book and some fun book inspired giveaways and upcoming events.
I hate spam, so my promise to you is that I will NOT send you a bunch of emails.
I hate it when people do it to me, so you’ve got my guarantee it won’t happen.
Let me share with you a recent picture of our goldendoodle, Kerby the inspiration for Rex in UnMasked.

Thank you for joining me on the journey to publishing my first intergenerational novel.
I can’t wait to share it with you!