Bowling Pins and Rest

Have you ever heard about bowling pins and the importance of rest?

A few years ago, our pastor gave a message about the importance of rest and correlated this message to bowling pins. He told us how it’s common knowledge in the bowling industry that your bowling pins need time to rest if you want them to last for three or even up to four years. Evidently, after the first year of use, if you rest the bowling pins for a year, they will in turn last for up to four years. If they are continuously, the bowling pins will only last two years. Taking time to rest your pins gives them longevity and more life.

Just like the bowling pins, we need time to rest and rejuvenate. I recently attended a conference in Outer Banks, North Carolina. It was a chance to learn, meet and get to know some incredible women entrepreneurs as well as time to rest, rejuvenate and dream.

The first evening of the conference, the organizer told us we would leave with new best friends. I inwardly rolled my eyes and thought, “How is this possible? We’re only here for five days.”

Much to my surprise, she was right. Learning in a fast-paced environment, with vibrantly, intelligent women that are 100% excited and encouraging of one another, is a perfect recipe for becoming “besties for life.”

On our first night, one of our new friends told us she was a mom of six kids and she was there to rest and relax. The message that this mama needed some serious down-time was very clear. We didn’t see much of her for the first two days, but by day three, a woman glowing with vitality emerged from her room. It was phenomenal to see what just two nights of rest did for our new friend. As for me, I felt like a permanent smile was affixed to my face. I couldn’t stop grinning.

I love the beach and having the ability to wake up early, watch the sunrise, and walk alongside the ocean was beyond amazing. After breakfast a day filled with learning, examples, and comradery made it easier to drink out of the firehose of information that we were all guzzling. A good night’s sleep left me feeling rejuvenated and incredibly happy. I was with my people….my tribe of peeps. Women were present that are serious about making a difference, about building life-changing businesses. World changers continually filling each other up, sharing what they had learned or were learning with the intent of helping each of our friends change their business trajectory so they could help others and make the world a little shinier and a little better place.

My challenge to you today, is to think about two things. One – if you were to take the time to rest, how much more could you get done, if you paced yourself and took time to relax and rejuvenate? And Two – what is one thing you can do in the coming week that will encourage you to slow down and take some needed rest?

I’m a night owl that hasn’t been getting enough sleep. My plan for the next week, is to be ready to go to sleep, lights out by eleven at night.

At Healing Complex Kids, we are so excited at what the future looks like, as we begin planning future webinars and exciting opportunities to bring our community together.

Our Pathway to HOPE Resource Guide for Special needs will be launching in early 2025 and in March 2025, Healing Complex Kid’s is celebrating our 20th anniversary. We can’t wait to share the updated and expanded special needs resource guide as well as the wonderful events and opportunities we are planning to help families on their journey to having their best life.